A Few Words About Us

Welcome to Khajina.co.in, your ultimate destination for an enriching journey through the world of children’s literature. Founded by Mrs. Vaibhavi Raorane-Pol, a passionate advocate for childhood literacy, Khajina.co.in is more than just an online book-selling platform – it’s a gateway to a realm where imagination knows no bounds.

With a keen eye for quality and a deep understanding of what captivates young minds, Mrs. Pol curates a diverse collection of books that cater to children of all ages and interests. From colorful art and craft books to captivating English storybooks, we offer a wide array of genres that promise to ignite the spark of curiosity and creativity in every child.

At Khajina.co.in, we take pride in offering a curated selection of books that span various categories, including poetry, mathematics, great personalities, forest stories, mythological tales, famous narratives, children’s stories, Marathi literature, science, suspenseful adventures, and tales of valiant freedom fighters.

Our commitment goes beyond merely providing books – we strive to foster a love for reading and learning in children across the globe. Each book in our collection is carefully chosen to inspire, educate, and entertain, ensuring that every visit to Khajina.co.in is a memorable and enriching experience for both children and parents alike.

Join us in our mission to nurture young minds and cultivate a lifelong love for reading. Explore our collection, embark on new adventures, and let the magic of storytelling transport you to worlds beyond imagination.

Thank you for choosing Khajina.co.in – where every page holds the promise of discovery and delight.

Founder - सौ. वैभवी रावराणे-पोळ

कृषी अभियांत्रिकी मध्ये पदवीधर असून शेती क्षेत्रात लागणाऱ्या विविध प्रकारच्या अवजारे व यंत्रे यासंबंधीत व्यवसाय करणाऱ्या Tech Bharti Farmer Producer Company च्या संस्थापक संचालिका आहेत. फलटणसारख्या निमशहरी भागात स्वतःच्या लहान मुलांच्या वाचनाच्या गरजा पूर्ण करत असताना ग्रामीण आणि निमशहरी भागातील लहान मुलांच्या पुस्तकांची अत्यंत कमी उपलब्धता त्यांना जाणवली.
विविध प्रकारची, विविध संकल्पना घेऊन संपन्न अशी भरपूर पुस्तके असताना केवळ ती खेड्यातल्या मुलांपर्यंत पोहचवण्याची योग्य ती माध्यमे नसल्याने ते माध्यम निर्माण झाले पाहिजे हा विचार त्यांच्या मनात आला आणि त्यातून निर्मिती झाली खजिना या online children store ची. अमेझॉन, फ्लिपकार्ट यासारखी सेवा आज खेड्यात पोहचली आहे मात्र त्यावर फार कमी पुस्तके उपलब्ध आहेत आणि त्यातली बरीचशी इंग्रजी भाषेतली आहेत. म्हणून इंग्रजी सोबत मराठी भाषेचा बालसाहित्यातला हा अनमोल ठेवा त्याच्या खऱ्या लाभार्थ्यांना मिळावा म्हणून खजिना काम करेल, असा त्यांचा मानस आहे.

Co-Founder श्री विनय पोळ

कृषी अभियांत्रिकी पदवीधर असून भारती ग्रीन टेक या जिवाणू खते बनवणाऱ्या कंपनीचे संस्थापक संचालक आहेत.

कोणत्याही नवीन संकल्पनेला व्यायसायिक स्वरूप देताना त्याला एका ठराविक चौकटीत बसवून त्याची एक दिशा ठरवावी लागते.

श्री. विनय यांच्या अनुभवाचा हाच फायदा खजिनाच्या निर्मितीत आम्हांला अत्यंत महत्वाचा ठरला आहे. व्यावसायिक दृष्टिकोन जपताना मूळ हेतूस धक्का पोहचणार नाही या जाणिवेसह खजिना आपल्यास सेवा देण्यास बांधील आहे.

Our Inspiration

लहान मुलं आणि पुस्तकं या दोन्हीवर मनापासून प्रेम करणारे आई बाबा! सामान्य परिस्थिती असतानाही दिवाळीत नवीन कपडे घेण्यासाठी दिलेल्या पैशातून पुस्तके आणल्यावर न चिडता आनंदाने कपड्यांसाठी परत पैसे देणारे आई बाबा!

खरे तर मुलांच्या वाचन आणि अशा बऱ्याच चांगल्या सवयींमध्ये न थकता, न कंटाळता महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभावणारे प्रत्येक पालक या मागची प्रेरणा आहेत!

Aai Baba, who always pours unconditional love to Small children and books. When in Diwali I brought books instead of new clothes, they were always proud of this small yet big choice.

In fact, every parent who tirelessly plays an important role in children’s reading and many other good habits is the inspiration behind this!


Our vision at Khajina.co.in is to be the leading catalyst in shaping the future of childhood literacy, revolutionizing the way children engage with literature and learning. We envision a world where every child, regardless of background or circumstance, has unfettered access to a treasure trove of diverse and captivating books that ignite their imagination, broaden their horizons, and instill in them a lifelong love for reading. Through our innovative platform, we aim to break down barriers to literacy, champion inclusivity, and empower children to become empathetic, informed, and empowered global citizens. By leveraging the transformative power of storytelling and technology, we aspire to cultivate a generation of imaginative thinkers, resilient learners, and compassionate leaders who will shape a brighter and more equitable future for generations to come.

This expanded vision statement delves deeper into Khajina.co.in’s aspirations and the broader societal impact it seeks to achieve in promoting childhood literacy and fostering a culture of reading and lifelong learning.



At Khajina.co.in, our mission is to provide a diverse and curated selection of children’s books that ignite curiosity, foster creativity, and promote literacy among children of all ages. We are committed to offering high-quality books across a range of genres, languages, and cultural backgrounds, ensuring that every child has access to stories that resonate with their unique interests and experiences. Through our platform, we aim to cultivate a lifelong love for reading, empower young readers to discover new worlds, and nurture a generation of critical thinkers and lifelong learners.

These statements encapsulate the overarching goals and aspirations of Khajina.co.in, emphasizing the importance of providing enriching literary experiences for children while promoting literacy and lifelong learning.